Nestlé Product Technology Center Konolfingen

The new PTC in Konolfingen is part of a global requalification of the Nestlé research centers. The transition from the Research and developpement to Product and Technology Center marks the wish to support synergies between research and marked needs. The intervention consists in a new administrative building, the extension of the Pilot Hall (test hall for production) and the transformation of the laboratories building and the existing offices. The new part fit perpendicularly into the two existing buildings. A distribution hall is at the heart of the new system. The hall is articulated around a generous void, lighted on three levels, by a glazed facade. The new building hosts about one hundred work places on three floors: the ground floor receives the public functions and the different activities for degustation. The two other levels host the offices. There are conceived to optimized comfort and flexibility. A technical floor, with easy access, holds all the technical flows. Light partitions allowed to modify the offices size according to the needs and to a grid optimized for the dimension of a work space. The choice of materials for the facades are aluminum, natural stone and glass. The facing with natural eloxed aluminum plates on the floors is harmoniously integrated with the two building in prefabriqueted concrete elements, marking the hierarchy within the functions. Green granit plates at the ground floor underline the base and give a touch of color to the unit.

Nestlé Product Technology Center Konolfingen

Nestlé Product Technology Center Konolfingen

Extension of existing facilities and new research and development building

Suisse, Konolfingen
1999 - 2000
Nestlé SA

Jacques Richter, Ignacio Dahl Rocha, Antoine Hahne, Frédéric Comby

Nestlé Product Technology Center Konolfingen

Nestlé Product Technology Center Konolfingen

1999 - 2000 · Suisse, Konolfingen · Industry

The new PTC in Konolfingen is part of a global requalification of the Nestlé research centers. The transition from the Research and developpement to Product and Technology Center marks the wish to support synergies between research and marked needs.
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Nestlé Product Technology Center Konolfingen
Suisse, Konolfingen
1999 - 2000
Nestlé SA
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