International Institute for Management Development - Virtual Classroom

Even before the advent of Covid-19, in order to offer virtual learning from home or office, anywhere in the world, the Lausanne School of Management wanted to transform one of the 3 auditoriums in its original "Bignami" building into a virtual classroom. The said auditorium is adjacent to the foyer that RDR had revitalized in 2019.
The space was completely stripped down, including the technology that was removed. A new heating/ventilation system was put in place.
From the very first sketches, the constraints linked to the digital technology system chosen by the client had to be integrated, notably, 24 monitors arranged in an arc in front of the space dedicated to the speaker.
Another major challenge of the project was to guarantee optimum acoustic comfort in a very demanding context from this point of view. In addition to an acoustician, RDR worked with a consultant in the field of lighting and stage technology in order to achieve a perfect result: a uniform light level and well-lit faces in the speaker's area, no defects in the camera images, correct background management.
Scales" of stretched fabric, lined with LEDs, continue the curve initiated by the screen wall.
From this ovoid geometry as well as the choice of materials - carpet and curtains, among others - emanates a notion of cocoon, reinforced by a grey-white monochrome palette.
A few seats have been added to the side of the room, out of the camera's field of vision, to accommodate any visitors.
IMD liVe - with its wide range of tools and techniques - was an immediate success. Not to mention that the project was completed in the midst of a pandemic, bringing access to training in a then confined world.

International Institute for Management Development - Virtual Classroom

International Institute for Management Development - Virtual Classroom
Suisse, Lausanne
2019 - 2021
IMD International Institute for Management Development
Kenneth Ross, Baris Kansu, Juliane Mayor
Jeremy Bierer
International Institute for Management Development - Virtual Classroom

International Institute for Management Development - Virtual Classroom

2019 - 2021 · Suisse, Lausanne · Design » Interior

Even before the advent of Covid-19, in order to offer virtual learning from home or office, anywhere in the world, the Lausanne School of Management wanted to transform one of the 3 auditoriums in its original "Bignami" building into a virtual classroom. The said auditorium is adjacent to the foyer that RDR had revitalized in 2019.
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International Institute for Management Development - Virtual Classroom
Suisse, Lausanne
2019 - 2021
IMD International Institute for Management Development
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