Barlovento Tower

Building on an atypical plot, in one of the most important avenues of Buenos Aires, just a stone's throw away from the Río de la Plata, is the challenge that RDR architects are carrying out for TSF Desarrollos.

The project, fruit of a collaboration between the offices of Lausanne and Buenos Aires, proposes the implementation of two 17-storey residential towers, both crowned with an attic containing communal facilities such as a swimming pool and a spa.The project responds to the problem of the high sound pollution of the Avenida del Libertador, through the implantation and shape of the buildings, the position of the living spaces and the treatment of the facades. At the same time it seeks to enhance the qualities of the site offering multiple views of the Río de la Plata. Located on Avenida del Libertador, the building offers multiple options for entertainment and commercial offer. At the same time and thanks to its access through Vicente López street, it will allow its future residents to enter the intimacy of a true neighborhood of Buenos Aires, on a more domestic and welcoming scale. The project consists of 2 towers with 66 apartments. All with impressive panoramic views, with an architecture at the service of well-being and with an amenities program that proposes a healthy and quiet habitat. Thanks to its particular location, between Avenida del Libertador and Río de la Plata, the elevated location of the lot and the open layout of the building's structure provide extraordinary views from the apartments of both towers. The lounge rises 55 meters above the ravines, offering dazzling views over the shores of Río de la Plata. The language of facades advances with balconies towards the river, generating spaces of tranquility and relaxation. Durable materials such as exposed concrete were prioritized in contrast to white precast concrete beds. The material palette is completed with aluminum elements that provide warmth and reinforce the building's lines. The building invites users to a biophilic experience that brings nature closer to everyday life. The architecture is complemented by the vegetation through its vertical gardens that favor sustainability and enrich, by contrast, the character of the building's clean lines.

The project recognizes the need to offer a distinctive element on the great avenue. These vertical gardens guarantee solar protection by improving thermal regulation and contribute to the privacy of the lower units on the avenue. Rainwater is recovered to clean sidewalks and water plants, generating savings and cushioning the initial impact of storms. Bioenergetic wood pellet heating reduces the building's carbon footprint. The centralized system is highly efficient and has individual consumption meters.

Barlovento Tower

Barlovento Tower

Two 17-storey residential towers, both crowned with an attic containing communal facilities such as a swimming pool and a spa

In progress
Argentina, Buenos Aires
2019 - 2023
TSF Desarrollos
Floor area
13130 m2

Ignacio Dahl Rocha, Hilario Dahl Rocha, Mariano Re

Buenos Aires

Ignacio Dahl Rocha, Bruno Emmer, Martín Roselló, Martina Barra, Vanik Margossian, Agustín Azar, Sibila Stein

Grupo TSF Desarrollos
Salas y Cia Construcciones
Metra ingenieros - Emilio Reviriego y Horacio Pieroni
Agustin Tiscornia
Estudio Labonia & Asoc
EHSH Ingeniería Eléctrica
Imágenes 3D: Estudios RDR Architectes, Playtime, Nqs, Pyxid
Fernando Dvoskin, Alberto Brescia
Barlovento Tower

Barlovento Tower

2019 - 2023 · Argentina, Buenos Aires · Housing » Grouped

Building on an atypical plot, in one of the most important avenues of Buenos Aires, just a stone's throw away from the Río de la Plata, is the challenge that RDR architects are carrying out for TSF Desarrollos. The project, fruit of a collaboration between the offices of Lausanne and Buenos Aires, proposes the implementation of two 17-storey residential towers, both crowned with an attic containing communal facilities such as a swimming pool and a spa. The project responds to the problem of the high sound pollution of the Avenida del Libertador, through the implantation and shape of the buildings, the position of the living spaces and the treatment of the facades. At the same time it seeks to enhance the qualities of the site offering multiple views of the Río de la Plata.
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Barlovento Tower
In progress
Argentina, Buenos Aires
2019 - 2023
TSF Desarrollos
Floor area
13130 m2
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