
Ukraine | Support

Ukraine | Support
04/2022 · Suisse, Lausanne

To support the Ukrainian people and be able to contribute to the actions carried out by many organizations in Switzerland regarding reception and housing, the RDR team had the opportunity to collaborate on the project "La Maison". This is a private initiative in Vers-Chez-les Blanc, accompanied by the EVAM (Etablissement Vaudois d'Accueil des Migrants) which will be capable of hosting several Ukrainian families. Since then, we have had the chance to participate in the work of refurbishing the house and bringing it up to standard. A collection point has also been set up within RDR to allow everyone to bring their support.
Thank you to all RDR collaborators who are actively participating in this project. We are also very happy to support Marta and Lionel, the owners of the house.

Photo credit: Fariba de Francesco Greuter