
Barlovento Towers, Buenos Aires

Barlovento Towers, Buenos Aires
06/2019 · Argentina, Buenos Aires

Building on an atypical plot, in one of the most important avenues of Buenos Aires, just a stone's throw away from the Río de la Plata, is the challenge that RDR architects are carrying out for TSF Desarrollos.

The project, fruit of a collaboration between the offices of Lausanne and Buenos Aires, proposes the implementation of two 17-storey residential towers, both crowned with an attic containing communal facilities such as a swimming pool and a spa.

The project responds to the problem of the high sound pollution of the Avenida del Libertador, through the implantation and shape of the buildings, the position of the living spaces and the treatment of the facades. At the same time it seeks to enhance the qualities of the site offering multiple views of the Río de la Plata.

The project is in the bidding phase, with the aim of starting the work at the end of the year.